‘Seven Things’ features KO:MI dueting with Mikko Joensuu
‘Seven Things’ originally appeared on KO:MI’s critically acclaimed album We Said We Didn’t Know but We Knew
which was released late last year.
Watch Seven Things
Sanna Komi (KO:MI) tells us of the song; “Seven Things’ is an obsessive love song duetted with the most wonderful Mikko Joensuu (Joensuu 1685). It explores an affection akin to addiction, where through incessant rumination the subject becomes more imaginary than real. Were the feelings there even in the first place, or was it all just a distraction from all the other shit going on in the world right now? ‘Seven Things’ is one of the oldest songs on the album. Originally I wanted to write a very classical, ‘Where the Wild Roses Grow’ – type of a duet, and the melody had been playing in my head for years before we started work on the album. In the end, the arrangement became something far simpler than I had envisioned – with help and insight from producer Pasi Viitanen, leaving room for the melody and the cellos played by Saara Viika. I knew I wanted it to be a duet with someone with a lower voice than mine, and Mikko with his uniquely powerful voice was the first person I thought of. The end result turned out even better than I had dared hope for!”
Video Director – and album producer Pasi Viitanen explains “In the video, faces projected on the surface of the rock sing, in a distant future perhaps? People are long gone and there’s hardly a memory left of us. A digital, oily ocean is wavering and the sun is hardly seen through the smoky air. The image came to me while I was producing Sanna’s album. We hadn’t even asked Mikko Joensuu to feature yet. I also worked on the video production and visual arts, so I quickly knew how I’d like to do it. The video is executed as a 3D-animation.”
Rumba shared the video today
Reviews and features surrounding KO:MI’s We Said We Didn’t Know but We Knew
Desibeli “Has KO: MI created one the domestic albums of the year to which future things will be compared? The competition is exceptionally fierce this year, but I think the place in the top ranks is already clear at this stage. 5/5”
Interview at Desibeli by Mika Roth
Kulttuuritoimitus “KO: MI’s album is a great musical journey where things are considered and viewed under the shelter of their own cotton clouds, yet putting emotions into play. Simplified and lingering music dares even in stormy seas. The core stays nicely in the palm of your hand all the time. 4.5/5”
Interview with Alex Minnis from Minnis2society
Nordic Music Review“…it’s a comprehensive piece. The early plucked instrumentation conjures up an oriental feel, as if they’re playing while sipping tea in an ornate Japanese garden”
Päivän Biisit“…new single We Said We Didn’t Know but We Knew will play irresistibly organically with its strings.”
SWIT “First things first, Liquid Walls is simply a beautiful song. The melody is as sweet as a nut, matched by Sanna Komi’s unadorned voice. The cello and clarinet are divine, and the angelic backing vocals all give the song a majestic quality which is quite intoxicating. Speaking of intoxication, the subject of the song is quite unusual and refreshingly open and honest.”
When You Motor Away “One moment she is a pop star cooing in your ear, the next moment she is an ambient producer, and the next a choir on Sunday morning. Dazzling and satisfying in equal measure.”
Austin Town Hall“…it’s really all about the creative elements intermingling in this cauldron of pop sensibility”
Where The Music Meets“I’ll Find My Own Way, the latest track from the Finnish’ KO:MI, is a beautiful folk contemplation that leaves us both dreamy, contemplative, and floating in the air of no concerns”
Antti X Antti – Kaksinkertainen katsaus popmusiikkiin – music podcast where KO:MI is discussed (in Finnish)
Niche Music on ‘Liquid Walls’
Päivän Biisit album recommendation
KO:MI curates the One Quart Magazine playlist
When the Horn Blows “The melody and the duet-like nature of this song makes it reminiscent of classical folk tunes that have been sung for years at campfires and near lakesides. When the string sections flood in, the song becomes tear-inducing, as though commanding us to cry or wallow in its melancholy. “
Soundi 4/5 album review “KO:MI’s unique second album exudes such a strong discovery of its own expression and artistic success that it is already accompanied by great compassion. In their lyrics, the record is flooded with vital comfort and faith for the better”
Rumba on ‘Liquid Walls‘, ‘I’ll Find My Own Way’, ‘We Said We Didn’t Know but We knew’
Last year in 2020 we had two songs from We Said We Didn’t Know but We Knew appear in video form. Watch the Thelma and Louise inspired clip for “Liquid Walls”
The video for title track “We Said We Didn’t Know but We Knew” takes the video gaming world of Danielle Baskin as a starting point. Both videos have been made by Hetta Inari Komi.
Short KO:MI bio
Sanna Komi is multi-instrumentally talented musician known from a variety of Finnish indie bands (e.g. Pintandwefall, Kynnet, Cats of Transnistria), and a global development researcher interested in human/nonhuman nature relations. Her debut album Songs of Them came out in 2017.