We reveal another cut from the forthcoming Soliti Five Years compilation
Last week we gave you a taste of the forthcoming compilation album, Soliti Five Years: My Brain Hurts A Lot, by revealing Black Lizard‘s cover of Cats Of Transnistria‘s ‘Good Night’. To keep the feline theme alive, today we unveil another track from the compilation, Delay Trees rendition of Cats On Fire‘s football themed ‘Our Old Centre Back’. Delay Trees locate the pop song that lies beneath the original’s cool exterior whilst reminding us of the potency of ‘Our Old Centre Back’s‘ melodic rush.
Delay Trees reveal their reasons for the cover: “Covering Cats on Fire was a lot of fun and as football fans it was obvious which song we’d pick. Our Old Centre Back is a truly great song from one of the best Nordic guitar pop bands ever. I wanted the song to sound a bit more janglier and more Delay Trees-esque and think we managed to do it well in the end.”
Soliti Five Years: My Brain Hurts A Lot will be released on the 25th November 2016.
1. Delay Trees: Our old centre back (Cats on Fire)
2. The New Tigers: Pastel Blue (Black Twig)
3. Cats Of Transnistria: Heaven In You (Black Lizard)
4. Astrid Swan: Härkä ja Paimen (Puunhalaaja)
5. Black Twig: World’s Greatest Actor (The New Tigers)
6. Black Lizard: Good Night (Cats Of Transnistria)
7. Love Sport: Rabbit Catcher (Astrid Swan)
Soliti Five Years artwork by Onni Hyöty.
Album Mastered by Markus Leminen.
Album title triani/jasu.