Ghosts on TV arrives on the 14th April 2023 via Soliti
Finnish post-rock band Ghosts on TV releases their second single from the forthcoming self-titled studio album. “Life in Plastic” follows the first fruits from the album “Sunshine”. While the post-rock and shoegaze influences are still present in “Life in Plastic”, this time something else is thrown into the mix. Black metal.
“”Life in Plastic” presents an aggressive and fast Ghosts on TV. Tremolo picking, blastbeat and an epic c-part which adventures somewhere between post-hardcore and post-rock are the basis of this song. This kind of music is of course called blackgaze, and the straightforwardness of the song has always felt really good to us. Life in Plastic comes with a music video that stars the whole band. The cover art is also inspired by this video. The video was Edited by Alabama Kentucky himself.”
Watch Life in Plastic video
Listen to Life in Plastic
Ossi Björn – Vocals, guitar
Anttoni Hill – Guitar
Aaro Tirronen – 12-string Guitar
Reko Kälkäjä – Keys
Otto Vahtola – Bass
Joona Kinnunen – Drums
Recorded by Alec Havinmaa at Artlab Studios
Mixed by Alec Havinmaa
Mastered by Philip Shaw Bova
Initial Reaction
“Ghosts on TV from Helsinki are slowly but surely playing their way into our little hearts with ‘Life In Plastic’. Their post-rock sounds nostalgic and modern at the same time.” We Love That Sound
“The new track adds another component to the band’s genre mix, their influence from black metal, even though the post rock and shoegaze influences are still noticeable. ” Darkenin Heart

Ghosts on TV 2023 by Sonja Tolonen
WATCH first single “Sunshine”
They’ve constructed this beautiful lyrical video, featuring the lyrics placed over various scenes of nature; occasionally those shots are obscured, tying into the vibe of the melody in the song, hidden softly beneath a wall of feedback and noise” Austin Town Hall
“Wistful and beautiful shoegaze” – Nikke Lempeä, Radio Helsinki
“U2 to the power of 10. Or 1024 if you prefer; which could be the dB. The last time I heard anything like this, live, was when I went to see Swans a few years ago.” – Nordic Music Central
“Sunshine, a gentle song overall, demonstrates the band’s propensity for strong melodicism as well as their prospects.” Darkenin Heart
“The group dares to be its own kind of miracle in the field of cracked beauty”
“A comforting song about death” Soundi
“…I’m secretly looking forward to it, as some people will miss it and some will like it in the future.” Niche Music
“Sunshine, the album’s opening track, is a spatial, lovely, and noisy rock song that demonstrates how well Ghosts on TV utilise shoegaze sounds” Janglepophub
“Sunshine, is a fuzzy and dreamy song which finds the band creating something really dynamic out of the inherent mellowness of their songwriting.” destroy/exist
Ghosts on TV: Ghosts on TV (Soliti 104) Release Date: 14/04/2023
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1 The Rose Provides The Bees With Honey
2 Life In Plastic
3 Routines
4 Sheets Of Blue
5 Sunshine
6 A Generation Of Pain
7 Muljutus
8 In Flux
Produced by Ghosts on TV
Recorded by Alec Havinmaa at Artlab Studios
Mixed by Alec Havinmaa
Mastered by Philip Shaw Bova
When we began making our sophomore studio album it took a more multifaceted and arguably scattered form compared to our previous efforts. In doing so, however, it also began to branch out into new territories and transcend what we previously have sonically built on. Forming something that has a bit of everything but pushed forward and very much in the present. This is why we felt that this album should be our self-titled album, it is a concrete statement of our band and our roots as it stands today.
After I Am Not Dead, I Am 55 Today we knew that we wanted to do a more ”traditional” album which consists of several songs and several moods. Perhaps the most evident change between albums is the return of vocals. We also experimented and expanded our sound with blast beats, slowcore, shoegaze and ballad influences. Of course the album has to also have one 12-minute heavy kraut rock track that repeats the same riff over and over again. This is also our first studio album with Aaro Tirronen, who joined the band as our new third guitarist in January 2021. His personality and playing style has brought a welcomed breath of fresh air to the ancient musk that is Ghosts on TV.
Upcoming shows
SAT 25.3. Roadhouse-Fest, Helsinki
SAT 22.4. Lappeenranta, Uus Hoi Sie
SAT 13.5. Poppari, Jyväskylä w/ Maa Ilmasta & Memore Profonde
SAT 27.5. Varjobaari, Tampere w/ Musta Huone & Thelma’s Dream
FRI 2.6. Helsinki, Album release show at Kuudes Linja w/ Ptrov