The album arrives on the 25th February via Soliti on vinyl/digital
Pintandwefall tells us of Seventh Baby “We started sending each other demos after the pandemic started and our previous album tour got cut short, and a lot of the songs coincidentally dealt with different aspects of everyday life with an absurd twist to them. We recorded the album within a 6-day period during the hottest days of early July, and it ended up becoming more guitar-driven than our previous albums, with some soft shoegaze moods in the mix. We were and are especially hyped about working with Liisa Tani, aka Sir Liselot, on this album, and her energy and unique touch can be heard throughout the songs. Also, it was about time to have an all female panel in the studio! We hope you will love listening to Seventh Baby as much as we loved making it <3″
Listen to Seventh Baby
Initial Reactions “The quartet continues to do and the listeners like to hear it, it’s no more complicated. Surfaces from the still fresh world of sound, the ease of which is guaranteed to be anything but easy to achieve.” 4/5
Levyhyllyt/Musiikkikirjastot “Inherent development cannot be learned, but fortunately Pintandwefall has been able to retain its distinctive personality.”
The Sun Died Twice This Monday “I find an interesting duality in this set of songs, first, the masterful ability to compose that these girls have, then, the flirtation with some form of innocence that is transmitted between the harmonies.”
Interview via Yle’s Radio Veli Kauppinen uuden äärellä
Album of the week at Radio Helsinki
When You motor Away “The result is a shoegazey guitar pop with wit, sensitivity, hooks, and plenty of muscle. An album this good deserves to be heard by many people.”
Nordic Music Review “Indie guitar pop (if that’s what it is) doesn’t get a lot better than this, with ’Seventh Baby’ packed full of tunes, twists and turns from start to finish.”
Nordic Music Central “Sometimes I think there’s nothing these ladies couldn’t do if they put their mind to it.”
Päivän Biisit on The Thunderstorm “One of the absolute gems of the album is this lively album track.”
Ilkka Pohjalainen “Seventh Baby oozes uninhibited alternative pop that lures you on a fluffy journey. Ninni Luhtasaari, Ringa Manner, Sanna Komi, and Iiti Yli-Harja produce quite attractive art.”
Tough Pint picks three songs for Ylex’s Rock show
Soundi “Seventh Baby became a toned and versatile album, which distinguishes the tastier roots of the quartet with tastier details and nuances.” 4/5
Interview via Radio Helsinki’s Cool Bus show
Interview with Ninni Luhtasaari via Suomen Kuvalehti
Album recommendation of the week at Päivän Biisit
Pintandwefall: Seventh Baby (Soliti 096)
Released 25th February 2022 on vinyl and digital
Vinyl available from these outlets: Levykauppa Äx, 8Raita, Stupido Shop, Swamp Music, Rolling Records, Bengans, Big Dipper

Seventh Baby album sleeve
Cover photo by Hetta Inari Komi
Cover design by Seidi Guzejev
Tuesday No Brain
The Thunderstorm
Home Alone, Sane
Cannot Stay, Cannot Go
Friendly Hand
Hard Work
Dust Maker
Last Minutes
Mostly Me
Produced, recorded and mixed by Liisa Tani, recorded at Pihastudio 2021
Mastered by Pekka Tuomi
Cover photo by Hetta Inari Komi
Cover design by Seidi Guzejev
Track By Track for Seventh Baby
Aihai “Song about missing someone a lot, and wanting to ask them over because it’s been so long since you’ve seen them or anyone really, but you know you get all babbly and annoying when you’re excited or have been by yourself for too long so now you’re worried if they come over you’ll just ruin it somehow and they never want to spend time with you ever again.” – Cute Pint
Annabella “The story is straight from my nightmarish dream: Pintandwefall gig with no bass drum, and Cute, Crazy and Dumb playing a strange song called Annabella! And this song is also my debut as a guitarist (well the bass drum wasn’t there…!)” – Tough Pint
Tuesday No Brain “You know when you have way too many things going on at the same time and you forget that you had promised to do a thing or go to a thing and then you feel really awful when someone calls and asks where you are, and you are in the wrong place at the wrong time and it feels like the end of the world even if in the end it’s a relatively small thing?” – Crazy Pint
The Thunderstorm “The heat had been oppressive for many days in a row and I was truly anticipating a thunderstorm – something to unwind the stuffiness in my head. The lyrics came fast and they worked as a rainmaker! Our giddy comments were included at the end part of the song. The soft guitar solo is played with fingers instead of a pick and the backing vocals really brought this song alive! The song is also about noticing the more and more extreme weather…” -Dumb Pint
Home alone, sane “Half true and half fiction, I guess this is the compulsory “pandemic song” of an album that has been completely written, composed, recorded, mixed and mastered during the pandemic. Time loses meaning and everything feels weird and wrong when you’re cooped up inside, but you do your best to adapt.” – Crazy Pint
Clues “The joys and horrors of diving into your subconsciousness. Can you see the clues???” – Tough Pint
Cannot Stay, Cannot Go “This song is based on Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Word for the World is Forest, an incredible book (like all her work) that imagines alternative ways of being in and with the world surrounding us, making blatant the inherent folly of measuring life in economic value. I also really wanted to write something with a similar structure to America’s “Sister Golden Hair”, because I love it when the song “starts again” after the first chorus.” – Crazy Pint
Friendly Hand “Do you have someone in your life you think the world of, but do NOT want to engage in a phone conversation with for some reason? Like you could spend hours and hours texting to them or talking to them in the same room or at a party, but you cannot handle even a ten minute phone conversation with them.” – Cute Pint
Hard Work “A song with bottled-up negative thoughts, whiplashes and heavy guitars! HARD!” – Tough Pint
Dust Maker “The narrator suffers from white saviorism while taking their privilege for granted. Just for the image they believe they’re doing their part. It’s a pose.” – Dumb Pint
Last Minutes “This song is very personal and it deals with some emotional laws. I prefer not to elaborate here. This is the first song I’ve been co-writing with my partner.” – Dumb Pint
Mostly Me “A drifting melodic shoegaze piece I have been wanting to write for some time. Musing on people’s different perspectives on the same events seemed like a good fit lyrically” – Cute Pint
Upcoming Shows
25.3.2022 Kuudes linja, Helsinki w/ RULES
20.4.2022 Tullikamarin Klubi, Tampere w/ Bad Sauna

Pintandwefall 2022
Photo by Hetta Inari Kom