Henna Emilia Hietamäki

Henna Emilia Heitamäki’s Luutarha is a collection of new interpretations of old folk songs and folk poetry. There are new translations and arrangements of American, English and Finnish songs from the 17th‒19th centuries, as well as new compositions for old Finnish folk poems. The unifying theme is death, facing it or longing for it. Many of the songs on the album are made especially to be played at funerals. Luutarha (“Bone Garden”) was an early suggestion as a Finnish name for the cemetery.

Henna interviewed by Suomen Kuvalehti

“Luutarha is an excellent record that is not afraid to jump from Finnish to Anglo-American folk.” Voima

“The execution is subtle and elegant. What has been created is an acoustic, shimmering and serene entity. The impression is not as dark as calming.” Soundi

“Henna Emilia Hietamäki’s Luutarha’s songs and poems unwittingly cling to the hierarchies of feminism, different beliefs, and the class structures of the people and the lords, even though the styges are wrapped exclusively around death, the dark valleys and black depths of facing or missing death, and in the artist’s own words, some kind of “honest” expression of feelings.” Totuus

Radio Helsinki interview

VIIKON LEVY at Radio Helsinki “The album is like a lost page of folklore and a reminder of the mortality of everything”

“Luutarha is a brave and gallant record” Desibeli.net

One Chord to Another Favourite Finnish albums of 2024

“Chilling and beautiful” Setlistmx

“It’s more like Julie Andrews singing to a group of fellow nuns before eventide prayers. You won’t be dancing to it but you won’t be waiting until your own funeral to want to hear it again, either.” Nordic Music Central

“Henna’s translation captures the ambiguity of the original text, allowing listeners to connect with the song on a personal level. Fans of folk music and those who appreciate the beauty of traditional melodies will appreciate this modern take on a Renaissance classic.”Purple Melon 

“Chillingly beautiful music” Rumba

“We’re dealing with something on the verge of the ephemeral, with a voice that seems to break free from another era, yet somehow remains relevant.” Indie Boulevard

“With a delicate acoustic folk atmosphere, the song blends gentle guitar work, layered vocals, and subtle string elements, creating an emotive and elegant piece.” Wax Vinyl Records

“…offers us a moment as pretty as it is unique, with this musical moment inspired by a song from the 16th century.” Djolo

Prior to her recent solo project, Henna Emilia Hietamäki has performed with Henna Emilia & Houreet, Cats of Transnistria and Dust Mountain. In 2021, the progressive and psychedelic folk band Dust Mountain, led by Henna and Toni Hietamäki (Oranssi Pazuzu), released their debut album “Hymns for Wilderness” (Svart). Indie rock band Henna Emilia & Houreet has released the long play “Lauluja ihmisistä ja eläimistä” 2019 (Stupido) and the EP “Beibi, mä oon pilalla” 2017 (Stupido). The experimental dream pop band Cats of Transnistria has released three long plays: “Aligning” in 2019 (Soliti), “Opium” in 2018 (Soliti), “Divine” in 2016 (Soliti) and “Away” EP in 2015 (Soliti).

In Finnish

Ennen tuoretta sooloprojektiaan Henna Emilia Hietamäki on toiminut yhtyeissä Henna Emilia & Houreet, Cats of Transnistria ja Dust Mountain. Henna ja Toni Hietamäen (Oranssi Pazuzu) johtama progressiivinen ja psykedeelinen folk-yhtye Dust Mountain julkaisi vuonna 2021 debyytt ialbuminsa “Hymns for Wilderness” (Svart). Indie rock  -yhtye Henna Emilia & Houreet on julkaissut pitkäsoiton “Lauluja ihmisistä ja eläimistä 2019 (Stupido) sekä EP:n “Beibi, mä oon pilalla” 2017 (Stupido). Kokeellinen dream pop -yhtye Cats of Transnistria on julkaissut kolme pitkäsoittoa: “Aligning” vuonna 2019 (Soliti), “Opium” vuonna 2018 (Soliti), “Divine” vuonna 2016 (Soliti) sekä “Away” EP:n vuonna 2015 (Soliti).

Praise for Maija

And Maja is not only alive, but these eight pieces, beautiful in a simple and unadorned way, are actually flourishing as a whole.” 4/5 Desibeli

“Henna Emilia Hietamäki has built a softly humming and hypnotically flowing musical Maja , which has an unhurried, timeless and thought-provoking atmosphere inside..Kulttuuritoimitus

“The compositions of the DIY-inspired album and the rather bright-eyed lyrics create a strong atmosphere and the illusion of a homely and safe place.” Soundi

“The vibe she creates invokes those singer-songwriters; deep thinkers who were the diametric opposite of the five-minute wonder, ‘famous for being famous’ set that permeate the arts today..” Nordic Music Central

“In particular, the instrumentals Vällilla tuulee and Vesihiisi are warm reminders of the peak years of domestic lo-fi folk in the 00s and an aesthetic that is rarely encountered today.” HS

“Hietamäki has a very sweet voice that does not need more than a nice accompaniment in this piece of folk, it has a very natural and warm sound and I really like the discretion of the percussion and bass.” The Sun Died Twice This Monday

Henna Emilia Hietamäki profile via Suomen Kuvalehti
Henna Emilia Hietamäki favorite albums feature via Soundi
