Ocelot’s new album Siskoni on noita is out now

The album is available from Soliti Recordings from the 20th Sept. 2024

Ocelot returns with their 2nd full length album, Siskoni on noita (My sister is a witch). The album further enhances Ocelot’s unique worldview and minimalist sound textures but with a newfound confidence,  a stronger sense of rhythm and melodicism. All this is achieved without ever sacrificing the essence of Ocelot’s inner postmodern aesthetic.

Listen to Siskoni on noita

Of Siskoni on noita Ocelot tells us
“Siskoni on noita is a collage of characters, looks and self-portraits. A world where visitors, travellers, princes, witches, exes, thieves in the night, forgotten first loves, estranged siblings, tourists and unknown bodies flow through memories, songs and dreams.
It is an embracing of the strange and an acceptance of the ordinary.
The rejection and shaping of other people’s gaze.
It is a whirlpool of stories of perpetual instability, uncertainty and love between people.
It is a mirror with a face looking back.”

Initial Reaction

“Ocelot’s musical world continues to fascinate.” Soundi album reivew

Ocelot promo picture by Linda Lehtovirta

Ocelot: Siskoni on noita (Soliti 112) Release date: 20/09/2024

Ocelot Album cover art Siskoni on noita
Noa P. Mendes and Emilia Pennanen Ocelot logo design: Rikhard Hormia

1. Omenoita
2. Sun Silmillä
3. Vierailija
4. Ysiviis
5. Prinssi/Pikkuveli
6. Siskoni on noita
7. Seitsemän
8. Kolme Kesää
9. Polttaa
10. Uin, Uin, Uin

Emilia Pennanen: Vocals, piano
Rasmus Pietilä: Bass, vocals, percussion
Victor von Hellens: Drums
Walter Metsärinne: Synth
Producer: Rasmus Pietilä, Emilia Pennanen
Mixing: Viljami Mehto
Mastering: Jarkko Viinamäki

Ocelot Album cover art Noa P. Mendes and Emilia Pennanen
Ocelot logo design: Rikhard Hormia

The album was presceded by three singles Sun Silmillä“, “Prinssi/Pikkuveli and “Kolme Kesää.” 
Sun Silmillä and Prinssi/Pikkuveli both featured videos shot in Portugal by Noa P. Mendes, celine s. diaz and Emilia Pennanen.

Advance word on the singles

“I love the way it works with this incredible beat underneath; the guitar slides up and down, just as the drums snap, all of it working under this intoxicating groove.” Austin Town Hall

“This band has an extraordinary design.” Niche Music

“The vocals are simply chill, and the hooks grab you from the first seconds. The gloomy synth atmosphere adds a cinematic flair and style to the track. This the music you can dream to and just relax.” Soundville

“As with most inverted dreams, perhaps our innate quest for liberation often reduces our desires to the most basic and acquiescent needs.” Soulwavez

“…the song’s mesmerising vibe transcends language barriers, instantly drawing listeners in. The dreamy production is enchanting, and the lead singer’s raspy vocals are a delight.” DNü

“The gentle touch of the waves and the coolness of the air could bring this lovely melancholy melody to my ears as I gaze at the horizon. The vocals matched so well with their almost whispering timbre convey the mystery to me.” Nagamag

Ocelot promo picture by Linda Lehtovirta

Ocelot are an alternative pop-rock band from Helsinki, Finland. The band draws inspiration from classic 60’s and 70’s pop rock and mixes it with the member’s own personal musical sensibilities. In the spring of 2019 Ocelot released their first EP called Mä voin ottaa sun ikävän pois (Soliti). Their second EP Unelmoi (Soliti) was released in February 2021. Their debut album Auringon puutarha (Soliti) arrived in November 2022.

Ocelot promo by Linda Lehtovirta
